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nextbike Questions and Answers concerning the booking and payment of nextbikes
What kind of bikes does nextbike offer?

Nextbike has several types of bikes, but in a city usually only one type of bike is used. Bikes can be differentiated by high or low entry and by lock type. Bikes can have combination locks, fork locks on the front fork or frame locks on the rear wheel.

Why don’t I see any nextbikes near my location?

It might be that nextbike doesn’t offer vehicles in your area. Alternatively, try zooming in further on the map to see if any nextbike appear.

Where can I use nextbike?

You can use the nextbikes via the goodride app in the VRS and Rhein-Main transport networks.

Our next step is to expand to nationwide availability. You may already see bikes across Germany in the app, though without the booking option. Please bear with us a little longer.

How can I rent nextbikes?

With the goodride-app you can find the bikes on the map and then unlock them with the QR code scanner.

If the nextbike is part of a route, the bike is also displayed on the map and you can unlock it using the QR code.

What is the maximum load of the bikes?

The maximum load of the normal bikes and e-bikes is 100 kg, of which a maximum of 5 kg may be transported in the basket. The maximum load for the Cargobikes can be found on the corresponding stickers in the transport boxes of the bikes.

Where can I park my nextbike?

Depending on the system, the bikes can be returned at official stations or within a flexzone, easily visible on any public street. On the location map in your goodride-app, you can easily see where the next station is located or where the flex zone extends to.

Bikes may only be returned in the city where they were rented. Cross-city returns are only possible with RVK e-Bikes.

E-bikes and e-cargobikes must be placed in the charging stands for charging. If none is free, the bike is parked next to it and the lock is closed.

KVB bike Cologne: In Cologne, you can check the small lamp at the rear of the bike before returning it. If it flashes green, the bike can be parked in this area. If it flashes red, the bike is outside the flex zone and away from stations. Returning the bike here is not allowed.

How do I return my nextbike?

Park the bike at an official station or – if available – within the flex zone of the respective system and lock the lock.

E-bikes and e-cargobikes must be placed in the charging stands. If none is free, the bike is parked next to it and the lock is closed.

There are different return processes for the different types of locks:

Combination lock:

If the bike has a combination lock, return the bike via the app by providing the location.

Frame lock:

If the bike has a frame lock, close the lock. The bike will be returned automatically.

Station with Smartdocks:

If you return your bike to a station with Smartdocks, push it into the stand. A beep confirms the return. If the station is full, park the bike next to it, lock the lock and return the bike via the goodride app, hotline* or terminal.

In all cases, check via the app whether the return was successful and inform customer service if this is not the case.

Can I park my bike during the rental?

Yes, you can. If the bike has a combination lock, you can easily lock it and open it again with the lock code.

If the bike has a frame lock, activate the parking mode in the app and then close the lock (note: if you close the lock before the parking mode is activated, the bike will be returned immediately). To continue cycling, exit the parking mode in the app and the lock will open automatically. Therefore, never exit the parking mode remotely.

Can I rent my bike in one city and return it in another?

The bike can only be returned to the city where you rented it, otherwise high return transport costs will be incurred. Exceptions are the following network systems, within which bikes may be returned across cities:

  • RVK e-Bike
How do I park my bike properly?

If the station does not have fixed bike racks, the bike is parked open and connected to itself. For bikes with combination locks, pass the combination lock through the rear wheel and through the metal ring provided. If you do not lead the lock through the metal ring or only through the front wheel, the bike is considered as not securely parked. In this case we reserve the right to charge a service fee of 25 €.

In general, no one may be hindered by the parked bike.

Please note the following:

The bike must not be parked or left:

  •  at traffic lights
  •  at parking ticket machines or parking meters
  •  at street signs
  •  on sidewalks, if this results in a passage width of less than 1.50 m
  •  in front of, along and on escape routes and fire department access zones
  •  if stationary advertising of a third party is covered thereby
  •  by locking on fences of private or public houses and facilities
  •  on public transport train and bus platforms
  •  on public bicycle stands

If this is not observed, we reserve the right to charge a service fee. The amount of service fees can be found in nextbike by TIER’s price list.

What happens if I return my bike away from the stations or return area?

If you park your bike away from the station without permission, you will be charged a service fee of at least €20. More information about service fees can be found in the price list.

The return was not recorded. What should I do?

Please report the unrecorded return promptly to nextbike customer service via the hotline at +49 (0) 30 69205046 and have the bike number, the parking location and the actual duration of use ready. Customer service will terminate the rental for you.

What do I do if my bike has a defect?

Defects can easily be reported by e-mail to level2support@nextbike.com. Please check your bike for obvious defects before you start your ride or before you borrow it and inform any damage so that the bikes in question can be blocked and repaired as quickly as possible.

The frame lock does not open. What should I do?

First, check if a spoke is blocking the lock by turning the rear wheel a bit. Then open it again via the app.

If the frame lock still doesn’t open after another attempt via the app, our system automatically detects this after three minutes and cancels the loan. No costs will be incurred. Please check the cancellation in your app and contact if necessary nextbike customer service, at: +49 (0) 30 69205046

Why does the "unlock" button remain visible while riding?

The button remains visible so that you can reopen the wheel at any time on the road in case of problems with the lock.