Good questions - and our answers
Booking / Using the App Questions about the bookings and use
How can I select the means of transport I want to use?

Once you have selected your destination, you can select the means of transport you want to use by clicking on the cogwheel in the upper right corner. Based on this selection you will be shown different routes.

Can I save or favorite routes?

Yes! You can display routes that you have already entered by swiping up on the destinatin input mask. Mark in this overview routes that you want to drive more often with an asterisk. These will be saved for you.

Where can I see my saved routes (favorites)?

You can find them on your map in the connection search. Drag the white element on your bottom of the screen to the top. The routes with an asterisk at the top of the list are your favorites.

Can I transfer routes to my calendar?

Yes, simply select the route and save it to your calendar using the “Calendar” button in the connection details.

How do I book transportation for a suggested route?

Once you have entered your destination, you will be shown several routes from which you can choose the one that suits you best. Once you have chosen a route, you will be shown the trips and means of transport, and you can choose the tickets you need for the trip. If you have already deposited your means of payment, you can pay for the tickets immediately and they will be displayed on the app.

Which journeys can I book in the app?

All means of transport suggested in the route can be booked directly in the app. Depending on the means of transport, tickets are stored or the trip is billed after completion.

Can I cancel my bookings?

Tickets purchased are non-refundable, except for technical errors. If an error results in an incorrect or duplicate booking, please contact our customer service by emailing kundenservice_goodride@telekom.de or calling +49 211 52082018. We will determine if you are eligible for a refund.

How can I view my booking history?

You can find your active and closed bookings under the menu item „My Bookings”.

What should I do if I encounter an error while booking?

If a booking attempt fails, please try again. If the issue persists, contact our customer service by emailing kundenservice_goodride@telekom.de or calling +49 211 52082018.